Travel is as much about people as places

When we think of travelling we often focus on the places we visit, the sights we see or the views we take in, however we have found that travel is often much more than that.   As I sit and reflect on the last few weeks it’s been far less about the places we’ve visited and…

Cyclotricity Electric Bikes Review

When Paul first mentioned electric bikes as a possible option for us on our travels, I can remember pulling a face at the idea as I envisioned an undersized bike that a generation much older than ourselves may opt for. I wanted a bike that would keep me fit, not one that did all the…

Living in a Box – The untolds of living in a motorhome

We along with all the other motorhomers who escape the UK for winter (or in our case longer) are incredibly guilty of bragging about all the fun stuff we’ve done, what is often left unsaid is the more unsavoury part of motorhoming, the dark side which should also play a part in the decision making…

Treasured Times at Playa De Carolina Spain

The last couple of weeks we have broken new boundaries by staying in the same place for a whole 15 days!! The spot worthy of this extended stay is just up the coast from Aguilas at Playa De Carolina (GPS 37.385948 -1.628475), a wild camping spot with a bay on each side where we were…